On The Rise: Madalyn McKnight

On the Rise is a monthly series that highlights college-aged Black women and recent graduates who are poised to be the next generation of trailblazers!

Meet Madalyn McKnight, a rising star with a shining smile to match her many talents! She is from Jackson, MS and is currently a doctoral candidate in the Healthcare Administration program at Walden University. Madalyn completed her B.S. in Psychology at Mississippi State University and her Master of Health Administration from Belhaven University. When she is not slaying her scholastic responsibilities, she finds time to share her insightful views with the world through her blog. Learn more about her journey below!


Could you tell us about your college experience?

My leadership experiences during my undergraduate years included being the lab manager of a psychology lab, which taught me the value of giving the same output you want out of others. I was also an Alumni Delegate which taught me the value of networking and establishing professional relationships. In addition, I worked as a resident adviser, which taught me problem-solving, organizational skills, teamwork, and sacrifice. All of these experiences have aided me greatly in the corporate setting, and I can handle anything that’s tossed my way.

image1What are your current passion projects?

My current passion project is my blog! The name singsongblackbird is my battle cry. It is a command to use my voice as a tool to represent myself, my family, and my community in the most creative and insightful ways. The story of Maya Angelou (as told in I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings) is a story of her literally finding her voice and using it to bring her out of dire surroundings and circumstances. I view my voice as an instrument that is just as powerful. The blog is an extension of my personal philosophy that writing is therapeutic and an escape from all of the cares of the world. I writeeveryday on my own about personal experiences but singsongblackbird discusses a range of topics from current news to Prince! It’s truly a glimpse into my world.

Where do you see yourself in 1 year? 5 years?

In one year, I see myself preparing to receive my doctoral degree and embarking on the next phase God has prepared for me. In five years, I pray that I am able to start my own family, expand my reach, serve my community well, and encourage others through my story and experiences.

IMG_5641In your opinion, what is unique about being a college-aged Black woman?

I believe we are a different breed of human with increased responsibilities. We are already magic, but giving us an education turns us into weapons of mass destruction. Education also allows us to simultaneously rule two kingdoms:  the home and the boardroom. Another thing that is unique about being a college-aged black woman is that while we are learning in the classroom, we are also learning how the world works and how to best use all of that knowledge to change our communities for the better. This is the time to use what we have to get WHERE we want.

IMG_5642What is your personal motto?

“A problem only gives a solution the chance to shine!” I am a firm believer that when a problem arises, I need to put my mind and all of my resources towards getting past it and solving it by any means necessary. A problem only gives me the chance to find a solution and learn the lesson as to not experience it again. Problems are just life’s “how-to” classes! I am all about the bigger picture, and I know that challenges shape us to not only be better but to also do better.

IMG_3497What is the biggest lesson you have learned about yourself?

I have learned that it is okay to not have it all together. Some people bloom earlier and some later than others. All that matters is thatevery day puts me one step closer to doing everything I am supposed to do and being everything I am supposed to be. Life is one big puzzle we are working to solve, and there will always be a lesson to learn to make a puzzle a little clearer. We have to let life give us a chance for that to happen and not rush the process.

How can we connect with you?

You can sign up for email notifications on my website, and you can follow my blog on twitter @singsongblckbrd! I follow back, and I love feedback!

IMG_5645Is there anything else you would like Pedestal Project readers to know?

I am all for collaboration and lifting others up! If there are any worthwhile causes or spotlights I can highlight using my platform, I can be reached on my website. I also love all things related to Beyoncé Giselle Knowles Carter, first of her name, mother of edges! I can be political and dissect “Lemonade” as if it is philosophy! It’s a lifestyle!

If you, or someone you know, would like to be featured in On the Rise, please complete the form in the “Connect” section or email us at pedestalprojectorg@gmail.com.

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